
Welcome to the biggest and best site on the internet for spotting watches in movies!

This site is meant as a resource for other watch enthusiasts (WIS) like myself who cannot help but to notice watches as they pop on the screen during a movie or television show. The site has thousands of images from hundreds of movies and TV shows and we are adding more every week. There are lots of imitators and content thieves, but there is only one, original Watches in Movies.


This site would not exist without the help of the watch community and my WIS friends. If you have a screen shot of a watch from a movie or TV show you would like to submt, please head over to and read the Submit page for a how-to (please note the new guidelines). Your submission will be added to the site with you credited as the submitter.


Comments are enabled on the site so browse around and feel free to contribute. There is a large number of unknown watches in the list, so take a look and see if you can fill in some blanks.

Running Watches in Movies is time consuming, we love it cause ! But please be aware that the website is not profitable. The ads help, , but if you'd like to help yourself to keep the site running, feel free to visit the donations page.


The best way to stay informed of new and updated posts is to grab our RSS feed or follow WIM on Twitter or become a fan on our Facebook Page.

(Note: All the images here are the property of their respective production studios and used here for reference and entertainment purposes only. As “fair use”)

Watches in Movies
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