Moving Forward

Well this is the end for me. I started this site in 2007 (after hosting it on a different domain for a year before that) and did my best to maintain the site and keep adding new watches (thanks to an awesome audience) but, as it happens in life, I ran out of steam. A number of elements contributed to the stagnation of this site, and I was finally to the point where I wondered if it was time to pull the plug. Thankfully, a fan of the site (with web knowledge newer than my 1994 self taught skills) stepped forward. Going forward, the site will be his. And , it will continue with actual updates and new posts. I'm sure they will do an introduction in due time (lots of moving parts right now). I am just happy that the site will continue. It was not long for this world, so the timing could not have been better.

Thanks, supporters of the site, for all your views, submissions and comments.

Stay safe and healthy out there,


Watches in Movies
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